Feb. 23, 2021

Sustainable Tourism

What is sustainable tourism?

Tourism helps in generating revenues and improving local economies. However, factors like loss of heritage as well as ecological degradation can have a negative impact on the ecosystem and socio environment of the destination. Sustainable tourism ultimately is an industry aiming to generate employment opportunities and ensuring at the same time that negative impacts on environment and local communities are to be minimized. In simple words, sustainable tourism takes into account probable or possible negative consequences of tourism on the social, environmental and economic structure of the destination while taking measures to conserve the biodiversity and cultural heritage of that particular place. It aims to pursue sustainable development goals that have a positive impact on locals, tourists and tourism industry. Here certain goals that can be achieved: 

▪︎ Preserve and conserve This involves appreciating the purity of the environment and reducing any kind of pollution including air, water, and sound.

▪︎ Preserve the biodiversity Placing efforts to reduce the impact on the ecological balance of the place minimizing the negative impact on wildlife or natural surroundings. 

▪︎ Utilizing the available resources Using renewable and non-renewable resources in an efficient and effective way; encouraging locals and tourists in regards of responsible consumption and waste prevention. 

▪︎ Increase employment Generating opportunities for people to get employed. 

▪︎ Creating awareness Increasing awareness about the positive impacts on cultural and natural heritage by personally committing with various sustainable tourism practices.

Tourism can get economy improving and at same time, if not properly managed, can damage social systems and natural resources; for this reason, sustainable tourism education and awareness contribute in maintaining a proper balance between the above factors.